Saturday, September 8, 2007

Hide and Seek

Where did the clouds go? Are they playfully hiding? Maybe someone was plagued with thirst and, like a pelican divebombing the water to capture a fish in its beak prison, gobbled them in a single bite, just to bless their throat with wet. Or maybe they were soaked up by a starry sponge: the greys and blacks melded with the rubies, the lemons, the lunar blues, then squeezed onto some distant meadow of yellow death; drip... drip... splash!, their liquid magic pervading the plains, transforming sun-crisped vegetation into flexible fruit. Perhaps they were kidnapped, lured with chanting persuasion, someone maniacally craving their salty bliss. Oh I must have found them, 'cause my vision's starting to blur and the world tastes like mist...

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